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Brokordt K*, Gonzáleza R, Farías W, Winkler F, Lohrmann K. 2017. First insight into the heritable variation of the resistance to infection with the bacteria causing the withering syndrome disease in Haliotis rufescens abalone. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 150:15-20.
Oyanedel D, Gonzalez R, Flores-Herrera P, Brokordt K, Rosa R, Mercado L, Schmitt P. 2016. Molecular characterization of an inhibitor of NF-κB in the scallop Argopecten purpuratus: first insights into its role on antimicrobial peptide regulation in a mollusk. Fish and Shellfish Immunology. 52: 85-93.
García, R.M. & F.M. Winkler. 2012. Asociación del color de la concha de reproductores de Argopecten purpuratus (Lamark, 1819) con la supervivencia, crecimiento y desarrollo larval de sus progenies. Latin American Journal of Aquatic Sciences. (MS # 548) in press.
Concha, C.P., E. Figueroa R. & F.M. Winkler. 2011. Asociación entre la tasa de autofecundación y la frecuencia de larvas malformadas en el ostión del norte, Argopecten purpuratus (Lamarck, 1819). Latin American Journal of Aquatic Sciences, 39(2): 327-337.
Marchant, S., P.A. Haye, S.A. Marín, & F.M. Winkler. 2009. Genetic diversity reveled with microsatellite DNA markers in a population of Haliotis discus hannai under a breeding program. Aquaculture Research 40:298-304.
Thiel, M., Macaya, E.C., Acuña, E., Arntz, W.E., Bastias, H., Brokordt, K., Camus, P.A., Castilla, J.C., Castro, L.R., Cortés, M., Dumont, C.P., Escribano, R., Fernandez, M., Gajardo, J.A., Gaymer, C.F., Gomez, I., González, A.E., González, H.E., Haye, P.A., Illanes, J.E., Iriarte, J.L., Lancellotti, D.A., Luna-Jorquera, G., Luxoro, C., Manriquez, P.A., Marín, V., Muñoz, P., Navarrete, S.A., Perez, E., Poulin, E., Sellanes, J., Sepúlveda, H.H., Stotz, W., Tala, F., Thomas, A., Vargas, C.A., Vasquez, J.A. & A. Vega. 2007. The Humboldt current system of northern-central Chile: oceanographic processes, ecological interactions and socio-economic feedback. Oceanogr. Mar. Biol. Annu. Rev. 45: 195-344.
Marín, S.A., P.A. Haye, S. Marchant & F.M. Winkler. 2007. Molecular markers applied to analyze specific status in abalones with ambiguous morphology. Journal of Shellfish Research 26(3):833-837.
Collin, R., O. Chaparro, F. Winkler & D. Véliz. 2007. Molecular phylogenetic and embryological evidence that feeding larvae have been reacquired in a marine gastropod. Biological Bulletin 212:83-92.
Brokordt K, Winkler F. 2006. Genotypic effects of glycolytic enzymes on the levels of energy substrates in gonad and muscle of Argopecten purpuratus. J of Shellfish Reasearch 25 (1): 268-269.
Guderley H, Brokordt K, Lafrance M, Himmelman J, Nusetti O, Cliché G, Jansoone X, Nadeau M, Bourgeouis M. 2006. Les réponses de fuite et la vitalité des pétoncles : Chlamys islandica, Euvola ziczac et Placopecten magellanicus. In: Nadeau, M., Tita, G. (Eds.) «Prédation du pétoncle et gestion des ensemencements». MAPAQ, DIT, Compte rendu no 24, 54 p. ISBN 2-550-47009-5
Brokordt K. 2004. Función Mitocondrial y Enzimas Mitocondriales, En: FUNDAMENTOS Y TÉCNICAS DE ECOFISIOLOGÍA OXIDATIVA EN ORGANISMOS ACUÁTICOS (A. Maeda Ed.). México.
Gaymer C, Guisado C, Brokordt K, Himmelman J. 2004. Gonad structure and gamete morphology of the eastern South Pacific chiton Acanthopleura echinata Barnes, 1824. Veliger 47:153-164.
Winkler, F. M., García-Melys D. &Palma-Rojas, C. 2004. Karyotypes of three South East Pacific flounder species of the family Paralichthyidae. Aquaculture Research 35:1295-1298..
Brokordt, K. 2003. Integrando Genética y Ecofisiología: Efecto del Grado de Heterocigosidad Sobre la Adecuación Biológica de Bivalvos Marinos. En: Fisiología Ecológica y Evolutiva de Animales. F.Bozinobic (Ed). Ediciones Universidad Católica de Chile. 531 pp.